Hello Geocachers
As a History buff, and after MrsB and I found Strathcona Wilderness 1 and Strathcona Wilderness 1.1, I started thinking about the first year of Geocaching from May 3, 2000 to May 2, 2001. I wondered how many Geocaches had been placed in that period and then how many of them had been Canadian? Upon checking resources on the internet I could not find any sites that listed more than the first 100 Geocaches. This did not include either of the above.
So, as a 10th Anniversary of Geocaching project, I decided to complete my own list, with a Canadian perspective. It turns out there were 2,032 Caches placed in that period (at least that I have found). Of those 1,329 have been Archived (65.4%), leaving 703 still active (34.6%) and only 60 of them were Canadian (3.0%). Of the 60 Canadian 32 have been Archived (53.3%).
There are links to the Cache page on Geocaching.com on each line, however you will have to be logged in as a "Member" or in some cases "Premium Member" to view them.
On the geocaching.com web site I have created a Bookmark page of all the active geocaches: here
In the process of compiling this list I discovered that MrsB and I have actually found to April 2012 a total of 12 of these cache:
#38 GC25 Camels Prairie Stash near Priest Lake, Idaho, USA
#137 GCA6 Strathcona Wilderness 1 (Alberta's First Cache) - Strathcona Wilderness Centre, Ardrossan, Alberta, Canada
#288 GC14F Sask-cache-one (Saskatchewan's Firt Cache - west of Saskatoon, Saskatchewan
#429 GC1DD Treehugger (BC's First Cache) - Vancouver, British Columbia, Canada
#438 GC21B Strathcona Wilderness 1.1 - Strathcona Wilderness Centre, Ardrossan, Alberta, Canada
#489 GC218 Creekside - Lynn Headwaters Regional Park, North Vancouver, British Columbia, Canada #760 GC33A CARKEEK CACHE - Carkeek Park, Seattle, Washington, USA
#1343 GC5D6 The Map Maker Virtual Cache - East Hope, Idaho, USA
#1366 GC5D3 Tubbs Hill Cache - Tubbs Hill, Cour d'Alene, Idaho, USA
#1529 GC660 buck's box - Olds, Alberta, Canada
#1649 GC6DF Lost Loggs - Sea Island, Richmond, British Columbia, Canada
#1986 GC849 Love Grotto - Grotto Canyon, Exshaw, Alberta, CanadaI hope you will pehaps find this listing useful or at least interesting!
Finally I would like to thank Jen Sonstelie, Marketing Manager at Groundspeak for her very kind words and supoort with my sharing this list!