Individual Notes
Note for: Nancy Brooks, 5 Dec 1825 - 27 Aug 1907
Burial: Place: Ryde Pioneer Cemetery
Individual Note: 1. March 25th Baptism Nancy Brooks born 5 December 1825 daughter of Edward Brooksat the Presbyterian church, Rev. James Harris.
2. Shows in 1901 Canada Census for The Territories, Assiniboia (West) District #204, Sub District Fairville #y, Schedule 1 and 2, Reference RG 31, Statistics Canada, Microfilm Reel Number T-6553, Finding Aid Number 31-40 as:
Name:Brooks, Nancy, Sex: F, Colour: W, Relationship to Head: Wife, SingleMarriedDivorcedWidowed: M, Month and Date of Birth: 3rd Dec, Year of Birth: 1826, Age at Last Birthday: 75, Country or place of Birth: Ont, Racial Origin: English, Nationality: Canadian, Religion: Methodist
3. The Brooks Letter from Saskatchewan 1909:
BRACEBRIDGE GAZETTE Sept. 30, 1909 "RYDE TOWNSHIP OLD BOYS....Many of Them Doing Well in Western Canada...Mrs. William Brooks (Nancy Brooks ), the mother of all the Brook's (she means the William Brook's)who was taken to Ontario by Mrs. Tom Brooks (Louisa Boyce) and supplied with a return ticket. But alas the good lady had taken passage on the ship that never returns. The infirmites of age came on by leaps and bounds and while enjoying the spiritual consolations of Brother Roushorn (William) and the tender loving care of her dutiful daughter, Mrs. Wm. Roushorn (Emily Jane Brooks),she was called away and laid to rest in Barkway Cemetery (there is no stone for Nancy Brooks) a couple of thousand miles from her life partner whom she had so faithfully served.
4. Ontario Death: BROOKS, Nancy, f, August 27, 1907, 85 years, Scarborough, cause - old age, infm - blank, daughter of Edward Brooks, Ryde Twp, (Muskoka Dis) 019803-07
5. Burial: Place: Barkway Cemetary
Individual Notes
Note for: John Brooks, Apr 1796 - 9 Oct 1871
Christening: Date: 10 Apr 1796
Place: East Peckham, St Michael, Kent, England
Individual Note: Kent Bap Transcription, «b»First name(s) «/b»John, «b»Last name «/b»Brooks, «b»Baptism year «/b»1796, «b»Baptism date «/b»10 Apr 1796, «b»Relationship «/b»Son Of, «b»Father's first name(s) «/b»John, «b»Father's last name «/b»-, «b»Mother's first name(s) «/b»Selina, «b»Mother's last name «/b»10, «b»Dedication «/b»St Michael, «b»Place «/b»East Peckham, St Michael, «b»County «/b»Kent, «b»Country «/b»England, «b»Record source «/b»St Michael, East Peckham baptisms 1563-1911, «b»Record set «/b»Kent Baptisms, «b»Category «/b»Birth, Marriage, Death & Parish Records, «b»Subcategory «/b»Births & baptisms, «b»Collections from «/b»Great Britain, Kent Family History Society, copyright Kent Family History Society
John & William Brooks who left England, came to King Township for a time and the to Ryde Township Muskoka when it opened up in the 1870's with Free Land Grants. William settled in Housey's Rapids with his son Charles and John in Lewisham with his son John Henry.
John & Ann Brooks who left England, with 6 or 7 children and cleared a farm in King Township Lot 6 Con 10 in the County of York. It is also a history of their children, two of whom moved to Ryde Township Muskoka when it opened up in the 1870's with Free Land Grants. William settled in Housey's Rapids Lot 26 &27 Con 7 with his sons Charles (Lot 24 & 25 Con 6)& Thomas (Lot 25 Con 7) , and John Jr in Lewisham Lot 5 & 6 Con 4 with his son John Henry.
John Brooks Sr the father of the all the original Brooks's was born England in 1795. Some accounts say Norfolk. John settled in King Township Lot 8 Con 10 Nobleton in 1831. He also had Lot 6 Con 10 and the easterly 40 acres of Lot 16 Con 10 in King Twp. according to his will. Apparently Charles Brooks was 3 when they came to Canada according to the Pense Community History.
From John Henderson: John Brooks born 1795 & Ann born 1800, Reel No. 987, 1851, Canada West, King Twp, Census for property in King Twp.
John's father was born in Summerset, Scotland
Census 1851 King Twp , York
3 224 17 Brooks John Sr. M 56 M No. 6, 10 Conc. England Prim. Methodist farmer
3 224 18 Brooks Ann F 52 M No. 6, 10 Conc. England Prim. Methodist house keeper
3 224 19 Brooks George M 24 S No. 6, 10 Conc. England Prim. Methodist labourer
3 224 20 Brooks Edward M 17 S No. 6, 10 Conc. Canada Prim. Methodist labourer
3 224 21 Brooks Celina F 12 S No. 6, 10 Conc. Canada Prim. Methodist spinstor
3 224 22 Brooks Thomas M 9 S No. 6, 10 Conc. Canada Prim. Methodist
1861 Canada Census, Canada West, York County, King Township, Lines 30 to 33
John Brooks, Farmer, Born England, Married Year of 1817, Religion P. Methodist, Age 65, Married
Ann Brooks, Born England, Married Year of 1817, Religion P. Methodist, Age 61, Married
Thos Brooks, Labourer, Born U Canada, Religion P. Methodist, Age 19, Single
Celine Brooks, Born U Canada, Religion P. Methodist, Age 9, Single
1871 Canada Census, Ontario, District 43 North York, Sub District 3 Township of King, Dwelling 136, Family # 139
Brooks, John, Male, Age 75, Born England, Religion Primitive Methodist, Origin English, Occupation Farmer, Married
Brooks, Ann, Female, Age 71, Born England Religion Primitive Methodist, Origin English, Married
Ontario Death Registration: Page 325, No. 019572, Name: John Brooks, Died: 9 Oct, 1871, Male, Age 75, Farmer, Born Kent, England, Cause: Homicide through Mental Derangement, Physician: John Mahaffy, MD, Informant: John Mahaffy, MD, Registered 25 Oct, 1871, Religion Methodist, Registrar J Wood, Division King, County York.
Individual Notes
Note for: Ann Obey, 1799 - 7 Oct 1873
Individual Note: 1. ANN BROOKS OBITUARY
ANN BROOKS---Died in the faith of hope of the Gospel, Ann Brooks, on Tuesday October 7th 1873, at the age of 73. Our departed sister, along with her late husband, was brought from the darkness into light, between thirty or forty years ago, in an old School House in the village of Nobleton, King Township. Two years ago she was afflicted with cancer of the breast, she attended the cancer Infirmery and had it removed. But however the cancer had spread to other parts of the body and after much pain and suffering she passed away on Tuesday October 7 1873. Source...Christian Journal...Nov. 21, 1873
Individual Notes
Note for: Edward Brooks, Nov 1797 - 7 Sep 1884
Christening: Date: 17 Dec 1797
Place: Yalding, Kent, England
Individual Note: Kent Bap Transcripion, «b»First name(s) «/b»Edward, «b»Last name «/b»Brooks, «b»Baptism year «/b»1797, «b»Baptism date «/b»17 Dec 1797, «b»Relationship «/b»Son Of, «b»Father's first name(s) «/b»Edward, «b»Father's last name «/b»-, «b»Mother's first name(s) «/b»Susannah, «b»Mother's last name «/b»17, «b»Place «/b»Yalding, «b»County «/b»Kent, «b»Country «/b»England, «b»Record source «/b»Yalding Baptisms 1559-1900, «b»Record set «/b»Kent Baptisms, «b»Category «/b»Birth, Marriage, Death & Parish Records, «b»Subcategory «/b»Births & baptisms, «b»Collections from «/b»Great Britain, Kent Family History Society, copyright Kent Family History Society
From Carol Fraser: Edward Brooks was born in England in 1797. He settled in York, Upper Canada in early 1820's. He married Nancy Burns and had a daughter Nancy Brooks, in 1825. Nancy Burns died (probably in childbirth) and Edward married Mary Brock in 1827. They had a son Charles William Brooks born in 1831 who is Doug Brook's forebear.
1871 Canada Census, Ontario, District 45 East York, Dwelling 192, Family 193 & 194
Brooks, Edw, Male, Age 73, Born England, Religion Primative Methodist, Origin English, Occupation Gentleman, Married
Brooks, Mary, Female, Age 69, Born United States, Religion Primative Methodist, Origin irish, Married
Brooks, Jas, Male, Age 31, Born Ontario, Religion Primative Methodist, Origin English, Occupation Farmer, Married
Brooks, Sarah, Female, Age 31, Born Ontario, Religion Primative Methodist, Origin English, Married
Brooks, Maggie, Female, Age 4, Born Ontario, Religion Primative Methodist, Origin English
Brooks, Fannie, Female, Age 2, Born Ontario, Religion Primative Methodist, Origin English
Huson, Jafford, Male, Age 42, Born England, Religion Primative Methodist, Origin English, Occupation Labourer
Household Record 1881 Canadian Census
Name Marital Status Gender Ethnic Origin Age Birthplace Occupation Religion
Edward BROOKS M Male English 83 England Farmer P Methodist
Mary BROOKS M Female Irish 79 USA P Methodist
David FOLEY Male Irish 18 Ontario Labourer P Methodist
Source Information:
Census Place Scarborough, York East, Ontario
Family History Library Film 1375884
NA Film Number C-13248
District 135
Sub-district A
Division 2
Page Number 49
Household Number 251
Death Registration, Ontario, County of York, Division of Scarborough, Edward Brooks, September 7, 1884, Male, Age 87 years, Rankor Proffesion Farmer, Born England, Cause General Dability, Physician L.D. Cloison M.D., Informant James Brooks, Registered September 18, 1884, Religion Methodist, Registrar John Crawford # 021162
Settlement by Executor (copy of original handwritten on file) 5369 Scarborough - This Indenture made in duplicate this first day of December A.D. 1885. Between Nancy Brooks of the District of Muskoka in the Province of Ontario, Susannah Harrison of the Township of York in the County of York, Sarah Ann Harrison of Humboldt in the County of Humboldt in the state of Iowa, Eliza Pilkey of the city Brantford in the County of Brant, Caroline Walton of the Township of Scarboro in the County of York, Mary Fitzpatrick of the said Township of York, Margaret Walton of the said Township of Scarboro and Hannah Richardson of the said Township of Scarboro, all married women of the First Part. William Brooks husband of said Nancy brooks, farmer, William Harrison husband of the said Susannah Harrison, farmer, Joseph Harrison husband of the said Sarah Ann Harrison, farmer, Peter Pilkey husband of the said Eliza Pilkey, hotelkeeper, William Walton husband of the said Caroline Walton, farmer, George Fitzpatrick husband of the said Mary Fitzpatrick, farmer, John Walton husband of the said Margaret Walton, farmer and Robert Richardson husband of the said Hannah Richardson of the Second Part. and James Brooks of the city of Toronto formerly of the Township of Scarboro in the County of York, farmer of the Third Part. Whereas the late Edward Brooks late of the said Township of Scarboro departed his life on the seventh day of September A.D. 1884 having first made his last will and testament whereby he bequeathed to each of the parties of the first part the sum of one hundred dollars and made the same a charge and lien upon all and singular that certain parcel or tract of land and premises situate lying and being in the township of Scarboro in the County of York containing by admeasurement fifty acres more or less and more particularly known as the North half of the North half of Lot number twenty nine in Concession 20 in the said Township of Scarboro, which lands and premises he devised to his son James Brooks the party of the Third part subject to the payment by him of said legacies and whereas it has been agreed that as each of the said legacies shall have been paid by the party of the Third part the legalie so being paid shall execute these presents releasing th said lands of and from such legacy so paid. Now this Indenture Witnesseth that for and in consideration of the payments of said legacies and of the sum of one dollar now paid by the party of the third part to each of the parties of the first and second parts the receipt whereof is hereby by them and each of them acknowledged the said parties of the first and second parts do hereby by these presents Release and Discharge the said lands and premises of and from the said legacy and legacies respecting as the respective parties entitled thereto shall execute these presents and do assign and quit claim onto the said party of the third part his heirs and assigns all and singular the said lands and premises to have to hold the same to him and his heirs forever and discharged of and from said legacy and legacies to which the respective parties so executing are entitled and all lien or charge in respect thereof: In witness whereof the parties hereto have hereunto set their hands and seals. Signed sealed and delivered in the presence of Patrick N Pope. - document was signed by all parties
Edward is buried in the church which is an old Methodist dating to 1842 is on the North side of Lawrence between Kennedy and Warden. (according to Doug Brooks)
Individual Notes
Note for: Lemuel Percy Hogue, 31 Mar 1890 - 21 Mar 1952
Burial: Place: Elrose Cemetery, R.M. of Monet #237 NE 4-26-15 W3
Individual Note: Ontario Birth County of Muskoka, Division of Township of Ryde, No. 7, Reg No. 021502, March 31, 1890, Lemuel Percy, Male, Father Frederick Hogue, Mother Selina Brooks, occupation of Father - Labourer, Signed by Father Frederick Hogue, Labourer, Ryde, Accoucheur Mrs Fletcher, Registrar Walter Tingey.
He is living with his Aunt Elizabeth (Brooks) Tyler in 1901 Census for The Territories, Assiniboia (West) District #204, Sub District Fairville #y, Schedule 1 and 2, Reference RG 31, Statistics Canada, Microfilm Reel Number T-6553, Finding Aid Number 31-40 - Sec 1 17 23 W2
Page/Line, House, Family, Name, Sex, Colour, Relation to Head, Marital Status, Month and Day of Birth, Year of Birth, Age at Last Birthday, Country or Place of Birth, Imigrated, Naturalization, Occupation, Racial Origin, Nationality, Religion, Annual Wages
3/27, 29, 31, Tyler, Eliz'th, F, W, Head, W, 25th Feb, 1862, 42, Ont, , , , , English, Canadian, Methodist, ,
3/28, , , Tyler, Richard, M, W, Son, S, June 6, 1882, 18, Ont, , , , , English, Canadian, Methodist, ,
3/29, , , Tyler, Alice, F, W, Daug, S, 5th Nov, 1884, 16, Ont, , , , , English, Canadian, Methodist, ,
3/30, , , Hogue, Percy, M, W, Nephew, S, 30th March, 1890, 10, Ont, , , , , English, Canadian, Methodist, ,
3/31, , , Hogue, Enos, M, W, Nephew, S, 5th July, 1895, 6, Ont, , , , , English, Canadian, Methodist, ,
The Brooks Letter from Saskatchewan (1909):
BRACEBRIDGE GAZETTE Sept. 30, 1909 "RYDE TOWNSHIP OLD BOYS....Percy Hogue (s/o Selina Brooks) has slipped a cog, and is the esteemed assistant of a neighboring benedict.
1916 Western Canada Census, province Saskatchewan, district No 30 Swift Current, enumeration district 32 the Village of Pennant, page 1, line 21, 22, family 6, dwelling 7:
Hogue, Percy, Head, Male, Mariied, age 25, born Ontario, religion Presbyterian, nationality Canadian, origin English, occupation Bar Tender
Hogue, Ada, Wife, Female, Married, age 17, born Ontario, religion Presbyterian, nationality Canadian, origin English, occupation Chamber Maid
4. From an article written for a "A Tribute to the bygone communities of Saltburn, East Gap, South Dean and Sanctuary and Hamlet" and from the section "Later Residents of Saltburn" published in 1970 by the Elrose Review.
"In 1924 Percy Hogue, with his wife Margaret Brownlie, purchased the west half of Section 22-23-16, better known as the old Findlay place.
They resided there until 1952, when Percy passed away after a lengthly illness, leaving his wife Margaret and their three sons and daughter.
Darlene: Mrs. Wilfred McAulay, Forgan.
Llewellyn (Bud), living in Elrose, Sask., and his wife Adele and two children.
Gordon, presently living in Edmonton, with his wife Eileen and three children.
Wayne, married and living in San Francisco, California.
submitted by Mrs. Margaret Hogue"
Individual Notes
Note for: Sylva Gertrude Hogue, 11 Jul 1892 - 18 Jun 1912
Religion: Place: Methodist
Individual Note: 1.Ontario Birth District of Muskoka, Division of Ryde Township, #4, Reg Number 020069, July 11, 1892, Sylva Gertrude, Female, Father William Fred'k Hogue, Mother Selina Brooks, Occupation of Father - Farmer, Signed by William F. Hogue, Registrar Walter Tingey.
2. She is living with her Uncle Thomas Brooks in the 1901 Census for The Territories, Assiniboia (West) District #204, Sub District Fairville #y, Schedule 1 and 2, Reference RG 31, Statistics Canada, Microfilm Reel Number T-6553, Finding Aid Number 31-40 - Sec 6 18 23 W2
Page/Line, House, Family, Name, Sex, Colour, Relation to Head, Marital Status, Month and Day of Birth, Year of Birth, Age at Last Birthday, Country or Place of Birth, Imigrated, Naturalization, Occupation, Racial Origin, Nationality, Religion, Annual Wages
1/48, 15, 15, Brooks, Thomas, M, W, Head, M, 5th May, 1855, 45, Ont, , , Farmer, English, Canadian, Methodist, ,
1/49, , , Brooks, Louisa, F, W, Wife, M, 5th May, 1856, 44, Ont, , , , Dutch, Canadian, Methodist, ,
1/50, , , Brooks, William, M, W, Son, S, 22 April, 1884, 16, Ont, , , , English, Canadian, Methodist, ,
2/1, , , Brooks, Joseph, M, W, Son, S, 29 May, 1885, 15, Ont, , , , English, Canadian, Methodist, ,
2/2, , , Brooks, Laurence, M, W, Son, S, 5th June, 1887, 13, Ont, , , , English, Canadian, Methodist, ,
2/3, , , Brooks, Enos W, M, W, Son, S, 8th March, 1888, 12, Ont, , , , English, Canadian, Methodist, ,
2/4, , , Hogue, Sylvia, F, W, Niece, S, 11th July, 1892, 8, Ont, , , , English, Canadian, Methodist, ,
2/5, , , Lowry, Albert, M, W, Servant, S, 3rd July, 1884, 17, Ont, , , Servant, Irish, Canadian, Methodist, ,
3. 1906 Census From Assiniboia West District of the Province of Saskatchewan Sub Dist 23A Page 2A
Line, Fam, Name, Relationship to Head, Sex, Married/Single/Divorced/Widowed, Age, Country or Place of Birth, Year of Immigration, Postal Address, Sec, Twp, Rng, Mer
24, 16, Nesbitt, Frederick, Head, M, M, 29, Ont, , Westview, 22, 18, 28, W2,
25, ", Nesbitt, Bernice, Wife, F, M, 21, ", , ", ", ", ", ",
26, ", Nesbitt, Charles, Son, M, S, 2, Sask, , ", ", ", ", ",
27, ", Nesbitt, Harry, Son, M, S, 1, ", , ", ", ", ", ",
28, ", Hogue, Sylvia, Servant, F, S, 14, Ont, , ", ", ", ", ",
4. The Brooks Letter from Saskatchewan (1909): BRACEBRIDGE GAZETTE Sept. 30, 1909 "RYDE TOWNSHIP OLD BOYS....Sylvia Hogue has sprung up into a young lady, and is housekeeper of her father's domicile:--Orillia Times."
5. Saskatchewan Death Registration - Record No 38 of 1912, Registration Division of Moose Jaw, Number 3234, Name of Deceased in Full Sylva Gertrude Brooks, Date of Death 18th of June 1912, Place of Death - Moose Jaw, Nearest Post office - Moose Jaw, Sex - Female, Age - 20 Years, Married, Occupation - Housekeeper, Place of Birth - Ontario, Physician - Dr. Bloomer, Religious Denomination - Methodist, Informant - Undertaker, Moose Jaw.
Individual Notes
Note for: Enos Elmer Hogue, 4 Jul 1894 - 18 Jun 1959
Burial: Place: Mount Pleasant Burial Park, Swift Current, Saskatchewan, Canada
Individual Note: Birth: Name: Enos Elmer Hogue Date of Birth: 4 Jul 1894 Gender: Male Birth County: Muskoka Father's Name: William Fredrick Hogue Mother's Name: Selina Brooks
Roll Number: MS929_122
He is living with his Aunt Elizabeth (Brooks) Tyler in 1901 Census for The Territories, Assiniboia (West) District #204, Sub District Fairville #y, Schedule 1 and 2, Reference RG 31, Statistics Canada, Microfilm Reel Number T-6553, Finding Aid Number 31-40 - Sec 1 17 23 W2
Page/Line, House, Family, Name, Sex, Colour, Relation to Head, Marital Status, Month and Day of Birth, Year of Birth, Age at Last Birthday, Country or Place of Birth, Imigrated, Naturalization, Occupation, Racial Origin, Nationality, Religion, Annual Wages
3/27, 29, 31, Tyler, Eliz'th, F, W, Head, W, 25th Feb, 1862, 42, Ont, , , , , English, Canadian, Methodist, ,
3/28, , , Tyler, Richard, M, W, Son, S, June 6, 1882, 18, Ont, , , , , English, Canadian, Methodist, ,
3/29, , , Tyler, Alice, F, W, Daug, S, 5th Nov, 1884, 16, Ont, , , , , English, Canadian, Methodist, ,
3/30, , , Hogue, Percy, M, W, Nephew, S, 30th March, 1890, 10, Ont, , , , , English, Canadian, Methodist, ,
3/31, , , Hogue, Enos, M, W, Nephew, S, 5th July, 1895, 6, Ont, , , , , English, Canadian, Methodist,
In the 1906 Census he is shown as: From Assiniboia West Dist Province of Saskatchewan Sub Dist 23A Page 1a
19 6 Nesbitt, R.M. Head M M 64 Ont Westview 36 18 28 W2
20 " Nesbitt, Henrietta Wife F M 64 England 1841 " " " " "
21 " Nesbitt, Murray Son M S 23 Ont" " " " "
22 " Nesbitt, Ida Daughter F S 20 Ont" " " " "
23 " Hogue, Enos Hired Boy M S 11 Ont " " " " "
The Brooks Letter from Saskatchewan (1909):
BRACEBRIDGE GAZETTE Sept. 30, 1909 "RYDE TOWNSHIP OLD BOYS....Enos Hogue is a ripe scholar for his years.
1911 Canada Census, Saskatchewan, Mosse Jaw District 211, Sub District 22, Page 12
Line1, Dwelling 107, Family116, Hogue, Enos E, Location 24 Main Street, Male, Head, Single, Born July 1894, Age 16, Born Ontario, Origin English, Nationality Canadian, Religion Methodist, Occupation Labourer
World War I: Enos Elmer HOGUE, Gunderson Sask. born Ryde Township Muskoka (Says Gravenhurst) s/o Wm Fred. Hogue, h/o Selina Brooks, d/o Wm Henry Brooks, s/o John Brooks Sr. Reg. # 105735 5'7" 21 yrs. 6 mths.
The following was transcribed from his World War One Service Record:
He was assigned to the 68th Battalion.
He embarked from Halifax May 1, 1916.
He disembarked in Liverpool May 8, 1916.
He arrived at Canadian Base Depot in Havre on June 29, 1916.
He arrived at his Battalion in the field on July 14, 1916.
On September 21, 1916 he suffered a Gun Shot Wound in his right shoulder.
On October 2, 1916 he was taken on strength at Canadian Casualty Assembly Centre.
On December 22, 1916 he was transfered from Canadian Casualty Assembly Centre back to the Canadian Base Depot, St leonards.
On February 14, 1917 he was taken on strength with 15th Canadian Reserve Battalion.
On March 21, 1917 he joined 28th Battalion in the field.
On May 29, 1917 he was again wounded in the left fore arm.
on May 30, 1917 he received multiple wounds.
while in Hospital in Englad he met a Nurses Aid an in Lambeth, London, England, he married Lily Constance Ruck, and then brought her home to Canada with him.
On September 17, 1919 he departed Liverpool for Canada, arriving in Quebec on September 24, 1919.
On September 29, 1919 he was discharged from the Army.
He received the British War Medal and the Victory Medal.
English Marriage Registration: 1917 Marriage solemnized this Registrars Office in the District of Lambeth in the County of London No. 162, Seventeenth August 1917 between Enos Elmer Hogue, 23 years, Bachelor, Private No 105735, 28th Canadians (Canadian Expiditionary Force), of Voluntary Aid Depot Hospital, Weston Favel, Northhamptonshire, Father: William Frederick Hogue, Farmer; and Lily Constance Ruck, 20 Years, Spinster, (no occupation shown) of 14 Ablington Street, Cornwall Road, Brixton Hill, Father: Charles Benjamin Ruck (deceased) Builder. Married in the Registrars Office by License before me John J. Barwick, Registrar. This marriage was solemnized by us, signed E.E. Hogue, L.C. Ruck, witnessed by O. Fitzpatrick, A.R. Ruck.
Individual Notes
Note for: Llewellyn Percy Hogue, 23 Jun 1926 - 12 Nov 2017
Individual Note: LLEWELLYN PERCY (BUD) HOGUE 1926 - 2017 Bud peacefully passed away on November 12, 2017 at St. Boniface Hospital Palliative Unit, where he received kind and compassionate care. Born in 1926 to Percy and Margaret (Brownlie) on the Hogue homestead in the Rural Municipality of Lacadena, SK, Bud's parents instilled strong values of family, integrity and hard work that guided him throughout his life. His youth was shaped by the Great Depression. In later years, he talked often and fondly about friends and neighbours, and how important they were to surviving those difficult times. Bud began grain farming as a child, helping his father who farmed with horses. He left Saltburn School after Grade 10 to help support the family when his father's health failed. He continued to farm after becoming a grain buyer for Pioneer Grain (now known as Richardson Pioneer) in Mondou, and later, Sanctuary, SK. Bud loved the grain business. His strong knowledge of farming, grading and blending grains and his respect for farmers helped propel his career. He learned quickly how to make a wooden grain elevator run safely, efficiently and profitably. He never shied away from a job that needed doing. His mechanical know-how could coax the most stubborn elevator engine back into service. Bud was promoted to District Manager of the Eston territory in the heart of the Saskatchewan wheat belt. He was instrumental in introducing lentils to the province as a cash crop. As his career progressed, Bud covered the Regina and Swift Current territories before being promoted to the Winnipeg head office where he was Block Shipping Manager, followed by Divisional Manager and then holding the title of General Superintendent until his retirement. During his years in head office, Bud was involved in changes like the consolidation of small town elevators into larger inland terminals. Bud was loyal to Pioneer Grain and deeply respected the Richardson family and the company they had built. Bud loved meeting people and talking about the grain business. It didn't matter where he went, it seemed like he always knew someone connected to growing, buying, or shipping grain and was interested in what their experiences were. Bud married Irene Adele Galvin (born 1931- deceased 2000), a vivacious nurse who was the love of his life. They raised their two children Elaine and Gerald in Elrose, SK. No matter how many hours of work Bud had ahead of him when his family was young, he still found time to serve as a local school board representative, lead Cubs and Scouts, coach minor hockey and baseball, and help others. He gave his children educational opportunities he never had himself, and encouraged his grandchildren to find what they loved to do. Bud kept up with family members, near and far, young and old, collecting and sharing family history. His autobiography "Bud" documents the challenges and joys of a life well-lived. Bud's constant desire to always do meaningful work and help others was evident in his retirement years in Winnipeg. He was an active and committed volunteer at St. Andrew's (Woodhaven) Anglican Church. He served on the Vestry, was an enthusiastic member of the Men's Club, and found great satisfaction working in the church hall kitchen. He enjoyed playing cards at the Over 60 Club. Bud made many good friends at St. Andrew's Church and at the Metropolitan Kiwanis Courts where he enjoyed a strong and spirited community life, proudly accepting the 'most mischievous resident' award one year. Bud was known for his friendliness, perseverance, work ethic and high standards, resilience and dedication. Despite severe visual and hearing impairments in later years, he participated wholeheartedly in everything he was involved in, and was an inspiration to his family and others. Bud is survived by his daughter Elaine and son-in-law Robert Loney, Bedford, NS; his son Gerald and daughter-in-law Nancy Hogue, Englewood, CO; grandchildren, Robert (Christina) Hogue, Thorton, CO, Staff Sgt. Bradley (Shayla) Hogue, Fort Benning, GA, Stephen Loney, Halifax, NS, Daniel Hogue (fiancée Laura), Chicago, IL, Jeremy Hogue, Englewood, CO, and Hailey Hogue, Englewood, CO; sister Darline McAulay, Saskatoon, SK; brothers, Gordon (Gaye) Hogue, Gulf Breeze, FL, and Wayne (Susan) Hogue, Reno, NV; brother-in-law Kevin Galvin, Marwayne, AB, and several nieces and nephews. A Celebration of Life will be held at 2:00 p.m. on Thursday, November 16, St. Andrew's Anglican Church, 2700 Portage Ave., Winnipeg. Reception to follow. Interment of cremated remains will take place at a later date at Memory Gardens Cemetery, Swift Current, SK. Memorial donations may be made to the CNIB, 1929 Bayview Ave., Toronto, ON M4G 3E8; 1-800-563-2642; or a charity of your choice. For those who wish to sign the online Guest Book please visit Chapel Lawn Funeral Home 204-885-9715
As published in the Winnipeg Free Press on Nov 14, 2017
Individual Notes
Note for: Hugh Archibald Brooks, 27 Feb 1887 - 28 Jul 1946
Individual Note: 1. The Brooks Letter from Saskatchewan:
BRACEBRIDGE GAZETTE Sept. 30, 1909 "RYDE TOWNSHIP OLD BOYS....Hugh Brooks (s/o Charles) has located alongside of Charlie, and came out to superintend the Moose Jaw Fair.
Individual Notes
Note for: Gordon Ray John Brooks, 3 Sep 1910 - 1959
Burial: Place: Govan Community Cemetery, R.M. of Last Mountain Valley #250 NW 14-27-22 W2
Individual Notes
Note for: Lily Constance Ruck, 22 Apr 1897 - 16 Feb 1991
Burial: Place: Mount Pleasant Burial Park, Swift Current, Saskatchewan, Canada
Individual Note: 1. Birth Registration, Registration District: Lambeth, 1897 Birth in the Sub District of Brixton in the County of London #444, Twenty Second of April 1897, 17 Mauleverer Road, West Brixton, Lily Constance, Girl, Father: Charles Ruck, Mother: Charlotte Ruck formerly Lock, Occupation of Father: Bricklayer, Journeyman, Registered by C. Ruck, Mother of 17 Mauleverer Road, West Brixton, Fifth june 1897, signed by Robert Charsley, Deputy Registrar.
2. English Marriage Registration: 1917 Marriage solemnized this Registrars Office in the District of Lambeth in the County of London No. 162, Seventeenth August 1917 between Enos Elmer Hogue, 23 years, Bachelor, Private No 105735, 28th Canadians (Canadian Expiditionary Force), of Voluntary Aid Depot Hospital, Weston Favel, Northhamptonshire, Father: William Frederick Hogue, Farmer; and Lily Constance Ruck, 20 Years, Spinster, (no occupation shown) of 14 Ablington Street, Cornwall Road, Brixton Hill, Father: Charles Benjamin Ruck (deceased) Builder. Married in the Registrars Office by License before me John J. Barwick, Registrar. This marriage was solemnized by us, signed E.E. Hogue, L.C. Ruck, witnessed by O. Fitzpatrick, A.R. Ruck.
3. Obituary:HOGUE, Mrs. Lily Constance Hogue, age 93 years of Red Deer, Alta. and formerly of Kyle district, Sask, passed away Saturday, February 18, 1991 at Red deer, Alta. A memorial service was held Monday, February 18, 1991 from The Church of the Nazarene, Red Deer, Alta. An Interment service was held February 21st at the grave site in the Mount Pleasant, Swift Current, Sask. Warren's Funeral Home were in care of arrangements. The deceased was born in London, England on April 22nd, 1897. She worked as a machinist in World War One, being a seamstrist by trade. She met her husband to be, Enos Hogue in England and they were married August 17, 1917. After the war the couple came to Canada by boat in September of 1919, arriving in Kyle, SK, to a very pioneer farm, where they lived and raised their family. She was predeceased by her husband on June 18, 1959, a grandson Craig on October 6, 1959 and her son Franklin on September 26, 1980. Lily moved to Alberta in 1970, living in Red Deer, and for the past two years resided at the Red Deer Nursing Home. Surviving are her two daughters, Iris Jenson, Red Deer, Alta., Thelma Mellor, Brandon, Manitoba. her son Clive Hogue, Grand Prairie, Alta, nine Grandchildren, ten Great Grandchildren, eight Great Great Grandhildren. her family will miss her dearly, but have beautiful memories to cherish. She will always be loved, and remembered by all who knew her as a beatiful Christian lady.